Monday, July 23, 2012

royal family kids epiphany

Royal Family Kids, RFK, is a not for profit organization that provides opportunities for kids in the foster care system. These kids may be shuffled through different homes and centers throughout the years. It's a rough life for children to have to live because the adults in their lives make poor choices or leave them.

Last year, I had the privilege to serve as the teacher, which is the equivalent of being the speaker of the camp. There were some guidelines I needed to be sure to follow, but it was very similar to other camps or retreats I have ministered at.  I really enjoyed my time with these kids and team members.  When I was asked if I would consider doing it again, I quickly smiled and said "Yes!"

Today, when the kids pulled up in the buses and the team cheered for them as they planted on the campground, I was overwhelmed with the thought of how these kids are an unreached people group in our communities.

All foster care homes or centers are not designed for the benefit for the child. All foster parents are not equipped for reaching these bruised children. All foster care providers do not have a Jesus centered life.  My grandmother was a foster child. Her mother died when she was young and her father put her in an orphanage. I don't quite understand why this was the case because she had older brothers and sisters who could have taken care of her.  But she had the blessing of being placed in a Jesus centered foster home where she learned to play the piano, went to worship on Sundays with her "family" and was taken care of to the best of their abilities.

As I looked into the eyes of these kids, I wondered if they will be able to overcome the emotional upheaval in their lives if Jesus doesn't intervene so very soon.  This is where Royal Family Kids comes in.  I have a dream....

I'd like to see us sponsor the Royal Family Kids life for Mahoning County foster care kids! This is an amazing opportunity for the "big brother/big sister" concept to happen once a month and once a year kids could get away from the angst of life and just be a kid for 5 days!  Let's really take the concept of pastoring our community and reach into these kids lives with the love of Jesus.

We talk about living in community, but it's a different level to reach into a culture that is foreign to us. Let's love on some kids and their foster families. Let's live authentically and feed the orphans and widows.  It will take time , people, and money-the big three, but I believe this is from the heart of God.

I can't wait to see what happens through this week for the kids and for me! I know I won't leave this place the same as I got here...that's the way I like it!

Jesus, help us to see something outside of our regular life, friends, and family. Let us see into the eyes of young soul with the insight you see. Let us give of ourselves and change the world for you. Amen.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

a tribute to my godmother, Lynn Alfano

I found out that my godmother, Lynn Alfano, passed away this week. I haven't had contact for a while with her or the family. Life gets so very busy & I always think I'll get to it and then it's too late. I can't live in a mindset of regret, but I will try to pick up the pace with the others on my heart.

Lynn & Phil came into my parent's life when my dad & Phil served in the national guard. I chuckle at the thought of them in uniform & with guns. These guys are both such sweethearts (at least this is the side I choose to think of).  The four of them have been friends for 50 years.  I don't know details of their adventures together. I'm sure there are some epic stories, though.

I don't remember the day of my holy baptism, as I was a baby, but the pictures show Lynn, in a red suit and hat, holding me on the steps of the church. There's just something so sweet about it. If I understand it correctly, the godparents make a pledge to aid in the spiritual upbringing of the child. She had no idea how this pledge would be lived out.

We would sit in front of their house for fireworks every July 17. Their house was at the base of the hill. Cinders would fall on the sidewalk next to us from the fireworks. You could feel the "BOOM" underneath you. It was awesome!

We were invited into their family. We would go to their home for Sunday dinner, a full blown Italian dinner. I was a backward, insecure kid who didn't like pasta & sauce. Lynn was so very sweet to me. She would get me a bowl of cereal, never commenting to me how much I was missing out or how odd I was. She would smile at me at the table. Through these gestures, she showed me how important it is to care for your family.  At my bridal shower, she gave me a crock pot. I really do think of her everytime I get it out of the cupboard. I have made my husband many meals that show care for him that I think she would approve of, although hers would be so much better. She was an amazing cook.

Oh, she loved her family so very much! She cheered them on to be the best they could be. She cared for the generation before and the generations to follow. My mom uses the word "selfless" to describe her.

I might see her a couple times a year and her greeting was always the same, "Hi Lor!" with a smile.  She smiled through it all in her closed mouth smile and nod of the head.

The one great gift I will always be grateful for is the gift of my spiritual growth. I was in early elementary school. Lynn & Phil invited my parents to make a Curseo weekend at church. They were so very excited about it. My dad went. Then my mom. This event was life changing for all involved. The life change was to make a personal investment in your relationship with God.  By realizing Jesus is our Savior and we can have constant relationship with God because of Jesus, we are empowered to follow Jesus daily. It's a little different than just a reverence of God. It's a relationship with God.

This invitation to my parents changed the course of my life forever. I am sold out to following Jesus in all I do. I felt God call me to a vocational service of ministry.

I thank God for you, Lynn. I know that I haven't seen you in a while, but there is a part of you that lives on in me every single day! I look forward to seeing you again!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy birthday Bobby

Today is the day my cousin Bob would celebrate as his birthday. His name was always on the birthday cake with our cousin, Kevin, whose birthday was july 4. We always celebrated it at my Uncle Bob's house, his grandpa.

We called Uncle Bob's house, Dill's Park. Uncle Bob made a sign that said member's only. One time, Uncle Bob said someone asked him how they could become a member (insert chuckle here)! There were always lots of people there from all sides of the fame, along with lots of friends.

Those family get togethers are such good memories! I've missed them lately. It seems the times I see my family the most is at funerals. There have been 3 this year. One of them was Bob's.

His body wore out in 40 years. It is hard not to see his smile or give me a bear hug when he comes my way.

I remember when he was a freshman in high school he let me know about some upperclassmen who were teasing him. I said I'd take care of it. I told those boys he was my family & to lay off. I'm sure this is the closest I've ever felt to a big sister.

I remember sneaking beer with him when we were too young to drink it. I remember talking to him about the realization that I couldn't stop drinking once I started and needed to quit completely. When he came to that same realization he talked to me about it.

Bob knew he was on my "love list". He would call every so often & tell me how things were going and i would pray with him for strength and courage to make it through to next part of his journey.

I say all of this to say, I miss you Bob. You left an impression on me that will continue to change me for the rest of my days.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

someone called me lazy today

la·zy [ láyzee ] 1.not wanting to work: unwilling to do any work or make an effort  2.conducive to idleness: contributing to an unwillingness to work or make an effort  3.slow: moving slowly  Synonyms: indolent, idle, lethargic, languid, sluggish, slothful

Someone called me lazy today.  Me...lazy?  I don't think so.  I'm pretty sure it's because I didn't want to do what their idea was, but none the less....I was called lazy.  I haven't been called lazy since I was a self absorbed teenager.

But as I think on this absurd idea, I do see some places to be a little more productive in my journey...

     1. I don't talk to my neighbors as often as I should. I get home from my tasks of the day and shut down far too often.  I'll work a little harder at shifting my thoughts from work to friend.
     2. I don't pray for others immediately when I hear about their request. I put it off until my regularly scheduled prayer time. When I'm not thinking of myself and what I have on my to do list, I pray for others on the spot. I want to be more of an encourager.
     3. I don't get up from the chair to greet Tony when he walks through the door from his day. All he is asking for is an up close and personal hello from me. I will not let my state of mind take precedence over caring for him.
   4.  I don't call my long distance friends as often as I think of them. I miss them so very much, but don't let them know I still want them in my life as much as ever. Facebook & email just doesn't do it like hearing their voice & seeing their name on the caller id.
     5. I don't look at my dream list as often as I should. Sometimes I just go with the flow instead of pursuing the next step to reaching a dream.

Colossians 3:23-Whatever you do, do with it all your heart, as working for Lord and not for men.