Thursday, June 30, 2011

another year of life to celebrate

Tomorrow is my 43rd birthday. I have completed 43 years of living. I'm beginning my 44th year on this earth. This isn't the traditional way to think of your birthday, but it's the way my dad has taught me to.

I started to think of my 43rd year and put together my annual report in my mind. So many happenings! So many friends! I'm not the same woman today as 364 days ago. I'm thankful for this fact. I have grown in ways I could not have dreamed. Though, there are some lessons I'm repeating that I haven't captured yet.
For this fact, I share vs 8b from Psalm 119, "Please, don't give up on me!"

So today, I make my to do list for year 44. I will strive to achieve excellence. The journey is not easy, but I will do my best.

Make time to be still and listen....say I love you to those I truly treasure regularly....remember there is joy in each and every morning....reflect on what has been but rejoice in what is....strive to grow in my gifts....tread in honesty and humbleness on this path I walk.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

unforced rhythms of grace

2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is enough for you; for where there is weakness, my power is shown the more completely.

I've been working through the Celebrate Recovery workbooks, again. Yes, I deal with compulsive behaviors. This is a fantastic study to help those of us who face addictive and compulsive behaviors. You don't have to be a drug addict or alcoholic to use this study.

The first workbook is titled, "Stepping Out of Denial into God's Grace". I can step out of denial when I admit there is a problem. But with these tendencies, it is so very easy to get stuck in the mindset of imperfection and failure. I must allow myself to be forgiven by God and myself. It's a vicious cycle of failure, hopelessness and insanity if I don't walk the road of forgiveness. I work very hard to walk in forgiveness.

Recently, I've had several people tell me the pain I'm experiencing is due to feeling unworthy and unrepentance/unforgiveness. I don't doubt that there have been times in my life this is the case, but as I searched out my heart and mind I don't feel that I'm in my current predicament due to this.

I shared this discouragement with my dear friend and she prayed with me and for me. While she was praying, she kept thinking the phrase "unforced rhythms of grace". I thanked her for sharing this thought and said I would meditate on it for a while. The visual in my mind was hundreds of ribbon streamers in a slight breeze. The rhythm and movement of the streamers flowed with such ease and without end.

Grace is defined as the unmerited favor of God. I know that I am one who walks this earth today because of the grace of God. There are so many times I should have been wiped out of existence, but God said He isn't finished with me yet.

If you're feeling discouraged, unworthy, or unforgivable, you're not alone. Look up and know that where you are weak, God is able to help you through His grace. The unforced rhythms of God's amazing grace are all around you.