Thursday, January 24, 2013

chaos & faith

The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. Hebrews 11:1 (the message)

This season has been so crazy! Changes and challenges have been around every corner, looming over me, trying to trip me, causing me to have moments of extraordinary doubt....if I could go back a year and make some other decisions...sometimes it feels like chaos, but somehow there's peace.

Yesterday, a friend told me that I like to live in chaos. Sigh....I don't like to live there, nor do I want to live there. Yes, sometimes, there are messes around me-some I create and some that others create or leave behind.  My commitment says I will do my best to keep things moving in the direction that God guides me in.
January 2012 I agreed to help bring some leadership to family ministry at our church...February 2012 I agreed to help lead the board of local inner city ministry...I made a commitment to God for a year of leading these areas and then we would reevaluate. The year has come up and I feel I've done my job, but the work of leading isn't done.  The jobs have gotten bigger than I ever imagined. Other leaders have stepped away and I find myself asking God, "Why didn't you let me know about all of this in the beginning of my commitment? Am I really the person You want to use to do this?" 

Interestingly enough, at the time these separate scenarios came up, I was partnered with a wonderful couple for encouragement for this season.  They are so encouraging and empowering! She likes to share mementos with me.  The first surprise I received is the a small desk plaque about faith (the picture above).  I put it on my makeshift desk so I could see it every time I put myself in the office.  It's amazing how much this scripture has become my mantra throughout this season of change.  I know this couple had no idea what would be facing us in this season of change, which at times has felt like chaos.  Their faith has been extended to me and aides me to walk in a place of confidence and peace.

Sometimes the job is so big that I can't tend to every single detail and make everything look like I have it in control. This is okay. Life is messy. People create messes. God is perfect, not me. If I don't have the plan completely marked out, I have faith that God will guide through -no matter what. That's why I am really inspired by the Message version of Hebrews 11:1-faith is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. 

I think faith in God is the way we can keep moving forward when we see the messes that we can't manage.  I love living the life I have the privilege of living! I hope you find yourself in a place of loving your life. I cannot wait to see how God makes all of these situations happen so that He can receive the honor and the glory of working it out! God equips us!

Thanks so much, God, for placing encouragement (my most excellent encouragers!) along the journey!  You keep my faith alive and enable me to keep working at the tasks set before me.  This is what makes life worth living!

By the way, I'm not accepting the word of chaos over my life.  I searched out the biblical use of the word "chaos" and found it to signify an abyss or destruction.  I do not believe that I live in that place.  I live in the land of the living!