Some days I think I'd like to have the chip in my hand to sign in easily into everything. I don't care about the information that is no longer private, just make the journey easier PLEASE!!!!!
I'm so very glad I don't have to log in on a sign in screen every single time I want to connect to God! It's a constant state of mind for me. I am thankful for this, as well.
I don't have to be cryptic with God in the things I say. I don't have to worry about giving away the details. He's interested in the details of me. He loves me. He cares about me. He wants the best for me. He wants me to succeed. He wants me to follow Him. He mapped out the journey for me. He created my identity.
Lord, help me to remember that my all is wrapped up in You! You wrapped it up for me. Thanks that You are always there when I need to sign in with you. Thanks that I don't have to jump through hoops or go through multiple sign in screens to connect to you! Thanks that you care so very much about the details of me! Help me not to give away the identity You gave to me! I'm really starting to love the me You've made me to be :)
Love this...thank you for writing it!