Wednesday, April 20, 2011

nod if you understand

Jeremiah 6:14, TLB...You can't heal a wound by saying it's not there!

Pain is a tool of our bodies to say something isn't right. It pinches or pokes us to get our attention. It generally does get our attention. But, does it hold our attention? Do we tend to the pain or do we ignore it?

I've had pain for the past seven weeks that I've been tending to. The pain I felt in my back was similar to some I experienced 2 1/2 years ago. Sometimes I wonder if I had dealt with the pain earlier, would I have eliminated a surgery and recoup, but it doesn't matter now. I had to have the surgery and do the therapy.

But, I will never forget the day I didn't feel the pain anymore. It wasn't because I got used to it. The pain was no longer there. My wound was healed! I had to be cautious to sit and stand and bend the correct way to ensure a pain free life, but the pain was gone!

So when I felt a similar pain in a familiar place, I wanted to deal with it right away. I learned that I couldn't make it go away myself, so I asked my doctor what may be the problem. We tried multiple remedies. None seemed to cause the pain to diminish.  We ran some tests. Funny thing about's a guessing game. My symptoms didn't match with the test results. So we continued to search out the pain source.

I will go this afternoon for the results of another test. There may be another wound I have to deal with. I don't understand why all this is happening, but I've learned you can't heal the wound completely if you don't tend to it. So here we go!!!

In my relationship life, I have found that if I don't deal with the pain that comes up with relationships, the wounds get bigger and deeper. Infection can take over healthy parts of your being. Patterns show up in how people continually offend me or set me off. Sarcasm or humor become a primary communication style. Outbursts of anger or with drawl takes over the interactions with others.

Three days ago, my mind took me back to a season about 10 years ago. I was searching for a place of healing from a wound that I experienced so very long ago. I had to dig deep in the wound and a wail came out of me that brought a release and a healing to me as I let go of the hurt. I remember exactly where I was sitting and who was with me when I faced the pain. I'm so grateful for my friends walked that road with me. I work hard to deal with pain when it is dealt to me as soon as I can, now so I don't have to experience that anymore.

Don't ignore the pain you feel. Don't say "whatever" when something hurts. Don't push your feelings aside. If we deal with the problem immediately, we save ourselves so much extra work. When we stuff our feelings to ignore the pain, we intoxicate our viewpoint. We need to keep ourselves in a healthy place and should be able to be in good relationship with God and with others. 

I'm looking forward to some answers soon.

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