Monday, January 17, 2011

law of love

I am looking at my Hannah Hurnard calendar. I love the snipets from the collection. January 15 is from Mountains of Spices-"Remember, the Kingdom of Heaven is everywhere the law of love is practiced and perfectly obeyed and where I, who am the King of Love, reign."

What a beautiful name for Jesus, King of Love. The love He represents is not measured in human terms. It is love that can't be earned or lost. It is a love that is not conditional or emotional.

I thought about how often I say, "I love this". It is far too often. I need to think before I speak that "love talk".

When I think about living out the law of love, it overwhelms me. I know that where there is much love, there is also much forgiveness.

I am one who has been in need of much forgiveness. I wish I had a quarter for everytime I've said I'm sorry. I'd be a rich girl! It's never easy to ask for forgiveness.

Proverbs 3:3 says let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

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